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Often we have lived experiences that are similar but have few-to-no-words shaped around them. 


As we give voice to our stories, a sacred space grows for healing, togetherness, and hope to rise."

Amber Jones
GraceStory Founder

Viral isn't about the number of followers.  Meaningful influence comes as the ripple effect of the unsuspecting brave

sitting together,

hoping together, & moving together towards wholeness.

My story's not pretty. Neither is yours. I can't polish it up enough to make others comfortable. It's not convenient and if you knew my family, you might notice a tension of perception and reality. But grace is big enough to cover messy. Grace holds that tension for us if we let it. Grace finds the nooks and crannies in between the lovely lines and sits with the dark shame that gets covered over by time.  I am a writer. I am a storyteller. I sit with you by holding my story openhanded to show you that your story is worthy of being given a voice too.

So this is an invitation to settle in for the long haul. To find the beauty as it rises from ashes. To live our lives principled and true to integrity. To not sell our voice to the highest bidder, or silence our witness because of inconvenience.  I draw on poetry I write from my own processing, thoughts of what Jesus is teaching me, and questions I'm wrestling with these days as I write and speak.  My greatest hope is that as you witness my story, you will find courage to ask and live out your own beautiful, messy journey of restoration.

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Living Wholehearted Podcast

Listen in as Terra Mattson and I share a conversation about learning to speak up after dysfunction, changing family legacies in parenthood, and leaning into integrity in leadership.

"When there is unchecked authority, that is breeding grounds for abuse."

GraceStory Podcast is a frequent stop as host, Nate Davison (my own brother), and I dive into the vulnerable places of healing.  In this episode, we look at how strength and resilience are shaped  in the face of life's inevitable disappointments.

"It is hard to hold hope when we are serving a god who feels like he is toying with us....but, He is FOR you. He knows your name."

Raised To Stay podcast where Natalie Runion and I lean in to staying after church hurt, what happens when life doesn't turn out looking as we expected, and the blessings that are in that journey.

"When we lose a God that delights in us, we lose hope."

GraceStory Conferences

are the most amazing time of sacred space made for community, safe vulnerability, and healing.  Our archives are private; however, check out this sneak peek:

"Grace shows up in our story and we don't even recognize it as grace because it doesn't fit the stereotype.....and everybody else is getting the cool grace, and we feel forgotten."

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