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Our way of staying connected and inspiring hope in fun, surprising ways during 2024! There is something extra special about receiving snail mail in this world of technology. Most HopeMail will come to your mailbox; however, every once in a while we will include a QR code for you to come check back here to participate in
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It is my hope that you will be encouraged on your journey of restoration as we continue walking those first steps towards healing with you and your families!

HopeMail: March
Seeds of hope because...Spring is coming!
As someone who originally thought I had a very black thumb, I have learned to love gardening very much. My favorite is building a garden into organic shapes here on our 40-acre Central Michigan farm. As a spend-thrift, I search out the clearance racks at stores to find the castoff plants and give them a second chance at life. During one of our particularly dark seasons as a family, it felt like it might be "winter" forever. In faith, I literally dug into the ground, and filled it with plants that had beautiful potential...in the future. One of the plants I was looking for specifically was called "Morning Star". I had been reading in 2 Peter 1:19: "We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts." Ironically, my son, Collin, found a group of Morning Star plants discounted at Walmart. He didn't know that I was looking for them. He just brought over a plant and thought it was ridiculous that someone would pay for "grass". The little plant starts really do look just like clumps of grass, but have beautiful delicate flowers that pop up like Dr. Seuss flowers when it is blooming!
The Holy Spirit was whispering as I planted - that as I sowed in faith, so would I reap in due time. In this incredibly dark season of "winter", there would be a day hope would rise again. And that when I saw those beautiful blossoms, our family would be in a new season of hopefulness as well.
I watched. I waited. And...I cried when I saw those pink buds start to open months later. Our family had weathered trials. We had grown weary in well-doing, but we had leaned hard even when it felt like there was no one there...no kind Father to lean on. And yet, He was, and He was working even when we couldn't see it.
As we head into a new season of spring, maybe you also feel like winter is hanging on for you! I encourage you to plant the seeds of hope contained in this month's little package. Knowing they were sent as a visual reminder of what our ever-kind Heavenly Father is growing in your hearts. And just like Peter, I'm holding hope for you until that hope dawns like the morning star in your own lives. - AJ
Seeds of Hope

HopeMail: April/May
Merch Pre-Sale + Giveaway!
use code HOPEMAIL at checkout

We are excited to provide all new GraceStory Apparel for 2024! As HopeMail members, enjoy an ADDITIONAL 10% savings on anything you pre-buy during our pre-order special. You can find all the merch by clicking HERE to go to our GraceStory online store. Merch will be available to pick up for free at men's conference in May. (Code must be entered at the time of purchase to receive discount.)
To enter the giveaway, UPDATE: Congratulations, Amy D., our HopeMail Tshirt Giveaway winner!
Just our way of saying THANK YOU for being a HopeMail member and part of GraceStory Community! - AJ